You know, it’s very easy to sound ideal when you are getting favours from people in return of that in terms of money or praise or otherwise. People do it all the time. But, how many of them apply those ideals in real life when they are being attacked from every corner by some trash energy vampires?? Rarely any that too temporarily for a few hours, a day or two, that too, when the psychopathy of those vampires is recognised by the victim’s group- the group may be of any criterion here.

It’s easy to be straight-forward and speak the truth exactly as it is when one is not getting such favours from people.

The former kind would feel like spiritually superior with some wordy drama but would fail at being even spiritual because their main motive behind those words is egoistic gains i.e. either money or groupism against someone else.

I don’t know how much satisfaction such people gain from doing this as I have never done that. But this is a very weak tactic used by mentally and spiritually weak people.

After all, if you feel God is on your side, do you really need to group against someone.

I feel and I know that people are energetically afraid and scared of the person who loves to live alone physically yet with the will of the God.

These tiny low-vibing low-level spirits who are always grouping against someone can never handle the power of that person that is given by God.

It’s quite obvious what the purpose of these people is, it is simply to drag that one to their level somehow.

But, that’s more than impossible for them.

I break the chains created by miserable souls more than anyone can imagine. If I can fight with actual evil ghostly spirits, these miserable souls are still bound with limits of human body and perception.

God empowers me and there is no spirit and soul above and better than God.

I really pity on people who cannot handle the power of truth, loneliness, and God.

PS- They can carry on with their ever-going drama. I will keep speaking the truth. If people want to be called good, they should be good and do good.

Enlightenment to Shadow Self.

What irritates your soul needs to be released and this is the hardest task for your mind. Some things stay stuck in soul from many births and sometimes you never know that you even have that problem.

Self-awareness is the key here. I am more than self-aware. I am my own guide of light and love. You also can be.

Photo by Johannes Plenio on

Originally posted on 4/5/2024.

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Meditation- fancy enough for you??

People hype so much about meditation in terms of taking a separate time for it, maintaining a posture, eyes closed etc. etc. that it’s almost impossible for them to comprehend that someone can be in a constant state of meditation without doing a specific set of actions and postures for maintaining that state. Meditation is all about deep breathing, clarity of thoughts, and mindfulness. If you are just obsessed with its trendy and fancy part, then you are just a ball of mess with a veil of spirituality over you, which will not serve you or anyone else in the long run.

Meditation, mindfulness, spirituality, soul connection to oneself- They all begin and stay inside of one’s mind.

Don’t fool yourself and others.

Abstract digital art..

“Inexplicable roots of connection between two souls” -My Interpretation About This Painting.

I will be very glad to know how you are going to perceive it. This is one of my most abstract paintings which I just painted within seconds (maybe it took one minute) and didn’t even think for once what I was doing or what I was intending to do; so, there is some unconscious n subconscious meaning behind it.

(First published on 19th July, 2021)


P.C.: Preet

If you ever have to read the calmth,

Run your eyes over every tip of a mountain.

Meeting Him on your path??

When you are doing something good or are on the right path, the strongest resistance comes from the devil. When you are not doing anything or are on the wrong path, you become devil’s favourite person and your path stays unhampered and smooth.

Keep this in mind the next time you face utter resistance in your way. And sometimes, people and pages having written “SPIRITUAL” in their heading or titles are the agents of that devil or are that devil themself. Beware the next time you follow any Spiritual entity; The Devil is also a Spirit.

Law of attraction in summation.

You attract your own energy, nothing from the outside. If you do not know your worth, you attract people who consider you worthless. If you do not want something to work for you, you won’t get it. If you have some traits in your subconscious mind for a partner, every other kind of person will be repelled/removed from your life sooner or later. If you want to change yourself, you have to visualize that change in you. If you want to become something, you have to believe it in your whole being. That’s all law of attraction is. You attract your energy, your thoughts, your vibes, your aura to you.
Now, a few of you may think “I am a healer. Usually toxic people get attracted to me. I don’t think this is how law of attraction works. I never wanted that.”
My answer is your innate nature is that of a healer and toxic people need spiritual healing and your mind subconsciously desires somebody to heal, so, toxic people get attracted to you unknowingly. But you can save yourself by creating boundaries n by directing your energy to be more specific to heal yourself first or the innocent victims of toxic abusers or nobody at all particularly and by only teaching people how to heal themselves.

(8th jan, 2021)

Note to self.

Don’t go back to your old ways,

Try to get out of that mud,

There is love and light for you to grow,

You are still an about to bloom bud,

Hands folded, head held high,

You have to forget your heart’s cry,

When something and someone is pure,

It is rewarded for sure,

Let the times be obscure,

You have to hear past the tumultous,

The sound of nature,

It bestows the real things the strength to endure;

Even if your heart is breaking into a billion pieces,

Just let the rivers of pain flow,

Because days and nights keep shifting,

But always after the darkness,

We feel the sunrise’s glow.

(First published on 17th Jan, 2020)


I am a hard pill to swallow,

just like naked truth

you can feel,

but I have seen people not offended by it

The people who are willing to heal.

(6th dec,2021)