My Bestie #133

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VIDEO UPDATED. – A new video for a relaxing weekend and some artsy ideas for painting during weekend for you..❤💫

Please subscribe to my channel (link given below) for more videos. The videos will get better with time, I promise!! Thank you in advance!! ❤💫

and this one specially for foodies!! 😋❤

Lessons in your 30s about your 20s.

Lessons you will learn in your 30s about your twenties:

  1. Partying hard is important but working harder is even more important.
  2. Planning in your early twenties about your next 20 years could be life changing.
  3. Go with the flow is the stupidest and useless concept, specially in career.
  4. Knowledge gained in twenties never goes in vain.
  5. It’s better to build a body in your twenties that can sustain anything in your later life for decades. Eating clean and healthy, working out really hard, getting sunshine and rain, breathing fresh air, etc. regularly could put you above most of the folks of your age who were into eating a lot of junk food, consuming alcohol, smoking, etc.
  6. Those stupid crushes were nothing but a distraction.
  7. Making connections just for the sake of career is really important.
  8. Strategic expenditure and investments could put you ahead 90% of the people in 30s.
  9. You could save a lot of wasted time and energy you spent on fake people, fake relationships, fake friendships.
  10. You could be at least 10 times better if you had started preparing 10-12 months before any expected opportunity for your success and could succeed as well.
  11. One career is not enough. One source of income is not enough.
  12. Anybody can switch up on you, no matter who; even closest of family members for whom you may always fight.
  13. People really didn’t matter and should not have mattered as much as you thought they did.
  14. Who thinks what about you and your actions does not matter at all when you have reasons for each of your action and you are moving with the right and ethical purpose in mind.
  15. Choosing your battles wisely is ultra-important. Letting some people live in their lies, misery, and stupidity, and going on with your head held high could save you a lot of mental energy.
  16. Getting credits and appreciation for the work done by you was so necessary, be it in any form- reciprocated favour, certificates, money, or expanding the word about you.
  17. Waiting for your love to be fulfilled by the other person as well kept you stuck for a long time. You could rather find the right partner and love could happen later on between you two.
  18. Hoeing around many people kept you away from the best one for you, that you could have, that could be life changing for you for the better.
  19. Humility and kindness were important but you should not have let people walk over you or use you or your sources.
  20. Expecting anything from others is like blocking your own efficiency.
  21. World runs on give and take; and people would keep on taking if you are a giver without boundaries.
  22. You live only once is the utterly non-sense concept. You actually die only once and can live multiple lives and get a taste of different cultures, careers, people (as friends or acquaintances) but in a systematic manner. There is no point in spoiling your life though YOLO.
  23. The fear of missing out is just a concept driven out of peer pressure. You never missed out on anything when you were completely sure that you didn’t want that thing or event to happen at that time.
  24. Life is too short. Never leave an opportunity to speak your mind. Express emotions and let others know your thoughts without any fear of mis-judgements. 95-99% of the people misjudged your silence anyway.
  25. Ignoring your creative side for the sake of your logical side and rational career could have made you feel frustrated for years.
  26. You didn’t have to prove yourself to any single person on this planet about anything.
  27. Learning skills were important but are always overly hyped. If you had taken enough time in understanding the working of anything, practicing it could take very little time. Studying and educating yourself intensively as well as extensively over your area of interest could really lead you towards expertise in it.
  28. Jump first, think later is a stupid phrase. Thinking a lot before jumping into something could save you years or your entire life And from feelings like guilt, regret, and resentment. Don’t be driven by id.
  29. One partner was really enough. You just didn’t have it in you to stay loyal or to be patient to find the right one.
  30. Putting yourself first is never selfish. When you do help in terms of work, therapy, money, out of kindness, people start feeling entitled to it. People on top positions call it charity actually.


I have been posting micro as well as full-fledged blogs on this website daily and today is the 444th day of blogging. I want to thank all of my fellow-bloggers for appreciating my writings by liking, commenting, and following.

Since I have started finding blogging boring and I am more inclined towards real life, I have decided to discontinue blogging on a daily basis. I would still be posting here, reading all of your amazing blogs, and would show my presence but that would be irregular.

As a last note, perhaps I may continue blogging on my other website i.e. but that too would be irregular. Kindly follow that website for more updates and share too. I would also be sharing your amazing blogs over there on a weekly or bi-weekly basis.

A Big Heartfelt THANK to all of my beautiful fellow-bloggers, especially the regular ones- You are the realest support, THANK YOU IN TONS❣❤🧡💛💚💙💜🖤💖💫

Stay Safe..❤💫

Keep Rising..❤💫

Live Well..❤💫

Give them an award😌

Someone should give my family an award for population control 😌

I am the only one left of my generation (after my brother’s death) from 6 kins of my father’s generation i.e. my father and his 5 siblings, 4 of which got married (including my father) but had no child.

PS: It feels awkward as well burdensome to remind myself that I have the responsibility of my whole clan on my shoulders.

Not indigestible.

One’s silence to heal oneself should be digestible.

#7 My Bestie ❤💫

List your top 5 grocery store items.

Pasta-Whole wheat pasta preferred when available, otherwise I just like different shapes of it which are available in multi-purpose flour option only.

Milk or milkshake (Can)-A few flavours like chocolate, coffee, strawberry, vanilla, cardamom, are my mains. Not drinking milkshakes in winters as I am taking hot chocolate in the evening daily.

Hot chocolate Powder-Currently Cadbury’s.

Chocolates- Any and many.

Khakhra or Nachos-It’s a gujarati snack just like a whole tortilla fried and tastes like nachos and is made of maize and rice flour and salt amd spices. I try a different flavour at different orders. Or I eat nachos-cheeze flavoured or classic salted.

I just checked my latest grocery list, wordpress. It’s not a forever kind of a thing. Also, I usually eat indian food i.e. Roti (indian flatbread or tortilla made of whole wheat flour), lentils, mixed vegetable, rice, twice a day, daily. Coconut water upon waking up and gajar ka halwa i.e. pudding made of carrots twice a day about 50-60 gm each time, daily. ❤💫

Digital Art-Perspectives.

Honestly, I drew it without any thought and after looking at it a few times, different perspectives started striking my mind.

(Note: Kindly do not use the image or copy the concept. The copyrights are reserved by Preet. Thank you.🙂)


People usually think why I am mostly poker faced or smiling and not really smiling in my pics.


Hard, heart-breaking and hurtful events: Death of 8 family members from which 7 of them died one after another with a gap of one or two years continuously. Heartbreaks in between. So, obviously depression was my normal mental state full of feelings of helplessness, fear of loss of the next one and the related anxiety, in which I had bouts of non-depressive episodes(Yep! Opposite of usual).

Heartbreak: The one that happened long ago (2015) was mentally abusive to me, during and after which I felt like I did not even have enough self-respect. I didn’t come in any relationship after that. After that I fell in love with my so-called best friend, who also deceived me in many ways, and then got married last year about which I got to know in march this year (no,he didn’t inform me. He was still hiding it) So, welcome to depression again !!

Broken friendships: Almost all of my friendships got broken from 2018-2020. Mind games, groupism, gossips, joining hands with enemies. The behaviour which I used to observe, forgive and forget before this time period, became intolerable to me. After all, for how many years(even decades) people were going to take me as a fool just because I was too tolerant, good-hearted, forgiving and friendly?? Definitely, those were not friends. Someone had to end it all, so I did.

My studies and work: Believe it or not, when you are involved in legal, political and psychological fields, you see and read cases that kinda mentally suck you in (Nasty mentally disturbing stuff). It all, in a way, gets embedded on your soul and psyche and you can never really undo that all information. Not that I don’t love what I do. I love my work and research but it’s also true that only the toughest ones can see and go through all that and still have a stability of mind to think through it all rationally.

Although I try my best to stay normal and succeed too; yet somehow it (all the bad stuff) still shows on my face, and most of the times, one can see it in my eyes.

That’s why, most of my old pictures show some kind of depression or sadness on my face and in my eyes.

Not that I am not hurt now or never get hurt or depressed, but every single hurt or disappointment reminds me of my past.

(PS- I was not writing about any of those people and/or events lately, anywhere on social media. Some people have really changed for the better and I also have moved on from that past.)