You know, it’s very easy to sound ideal when you are getting favours from people in return of that in terms of money or praise or otherwise. People do it all the time. But, how many of them apply those ideals in real life when they are being attacked from every corner by some trash energy vampires?? Rarely any that too temporarily for a few hours, a day or two, that too, when the psychopathy of those vampires is recognised by the victim’s group- the group may be of any criterion here.

It’s easy to be straight-forward and speak the truth exactly as it is when one is not getting such favours from people.

The former kind would feel like spiritually superior with some wordy drama but would fail at being even spiritual because their main motive behind those words is egoistic gains i.e. either money or groupism against someone else.

I don’t know how much satisfaction such people gain from doing this as I have never done that. But this is a very weak tactic used by mentally and spiritually weak people.

After all, if you feel God is on your side, do you really need to group against someone.

I feel and I know that people are energetically afraid and scared of the person who loves to live alone physically yet with the will of the God.

These tiny low-vibing low-level spirits who are always grouping against someone can never handle the power of that person that is given by God.

It’s quite obvious what the purpose of these people is, it is simply to drag that one to their level somehow.

But, that’s more than impossible for them.

I break the chains created by miserable souls more than anyone can imagine. If I can fight with actual evil ghostly spirits, these miserable souls are still bound with limits of human body and perception.

God empowers me and there is no spirit and soul above and better than God.

I really pity on people who cannot handle the power of truth, loneliness, and God.

PS- They can carry on with their ever-going drama. I will keep speaking the truth. If people want to be called good, they should be good and do good.


When even a million trials can’t corrupt your soul or shake your ground, that’s how you know you are powerful.

By powerful, I do not mean powerful money-wise or politically. Powerful in your being, in your existence, in your spirit. You can feel spiritually your rays shining throughout your aura like a billion stars illuminating from your own energy.

The fortitude becomes a very small word after that. You see in yourself the existence of divine, infinity and beyond.

Afiirm “I AM POWERFUL” and feel it deeply and abundantly.

Photo by Lance Reis on

My Bestie #147

Daily writing prompt
Have you ever broken a bone?

Mine or of others?

Actually, I was very close to having my bones broken multiple times- more than 10 times!! But, because of God’s mercy and protection, I got saved somehow, quite miraculously a couple of times!!

Always grateful to God and Angels for the never-ending protection.

And I hope that other innocent souls may also be protected the same way.


About the latter part- I am a very peaceful person and things like this do not cross my mind for months and even years. But on rare occasions I think that I can reach there when I introspect what would I do in case any of my loved ones be in such a danger that I would have no other choice than to break bones? Just in case, I easily can, as I am a protective warrior. But.. I pray to God (that I am praying from many years) that I never have to be in such a situation in the future and my loved ones stay protected just like I am the protected one by God and Angels.



Grounding is not meditation per se or being an ascetic or adopting any other form of fancy technique to seem like a person not belonging to this world.

Grounding is exactly the opposite of it. Grounding is being aware of what is. The question of “what is” would make one be aware of multiple layers of anything. As deeper as one would go into it, the more of grounding will happen.

Grounding is not floating in thoughts though. Grounding is asking oneself “is it really true??” “What exactly it is??” One does not even have to ask the WHYs while practicing grounding as it may provoke presumptions which are counterproductive to grounding.

Meditation though helps yet is not the medium of grounding. Rather, one can simply breathe in and out deeply for about 10 minutes and observe the surroundings, first focussing on breath and then on simple things like Colour of any object present nearby or feeling the texture of any material or focussing on one’s own body.

Once basic grounding is done, then one can proceed further to detangling thoughts that are making one flight in mind from reality or fight with oneself as to internal conflicts. For that one should ask oneself questions like “what I am thinking is even true??” “Where is the proof??” The moment you start asking for proofs in reality for your own thoughts, you start grounding yourself.

This takes a lot of practice as human tendency is to enforce one’s thoughts upon others and oneself rather than questioning oneself and one’s beliefs. Yes, beliefs, because what has no proof is merely a belief.

Once you have become an expert in grounding yourself, the task has not ended there, rather you will have to do it over and over again any time you become aware that you have switched on your amygdala and are operating on a flight or fight mode.

Constant grounding feels like being in a permanent meditative state of mind, despite all the ebbs and flows.

Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Pexels.

Grounding is a sensational experience to actually get rid of sensations created by our own mind. And..for that, you can choose the best sensory experience for you, be it auditory, olfactory, visual, gustatory, somatic or a combination of two or more of them.

I will talk more about it tomorrow or over-morrow.


Photo by Pixabay on

Angels gave a nudge

Eyeliner applied smudge;

Got ruined in a day

in hustle bustlenof a stay;

in the hot air

hair flying in flare,

like fire smoking hot

in the melting pot;

of myriad of cultures- epic

in a single lane traffic.

Exploring Distances..

Photo by Oleksandr P on

Embarking on a journey is not just about traversing physical distances, but also about exploring the depths of one’s own soul. The profound impact of a mere two months of travel can often surpass the cumulative experiences of the preceding two years. In the span of these two months, one can immerse oneself in diverse cultures, marvel at breathtaking landscapes, and forge meaningful connections with people from all walks of life. The transformative power of travel lies in its ability to broaden horizons, shatter preconceptions, and cultivate a profound sense of empathy towards the world and its inhabitants. Therefore, the statement “Two months can make you travel more than your last two years” encapsulates the immense potential for personal growth and enrichment that lies within the embrace of exploration and adventure.

Sky lovers be like..😍❤💫

Indeed, the captured image, although captivating, fails to fully convey the breathtaking allure of the sky. Its vastness, ever-changing hues, and magnificent interplay of light and clouds create an unparalleled spectacle that enchants the beholder. Perhaps a different vantage point or a moment in time would capture the essence more faithfully, allowing the viewer to revel in the true splendor of the sky.

My Bestie #143

Daily writing prompt
What public figure do you disagree with the most?

Mr. Kapil Sharma. Why? Nobody will ever know. On what point? Nah..I am not telling anything. 😜

Okay, I was just kidding.

I don’t disagree with anyone THE MOST because every single public figure has something genuine and genius to say as well as something really obnoxious to say on some other points or occasions. Therefore “The most” is not feasible to describe disagreements with anyone.


The intrigue that is building around my heart about a soul is intoxicating.

My Bestie #141

Daily writing prompt
What are your favorite brands and why?

I don’t go for the brands. I go for better quality and lesser price. Most of the times, you realize that the quality of an established branded product is not as good as that of a new or small firm/company or a handmade product, although exceptions are always there.