Feel It.

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https://youtu.be/3SxLDaihQ0c – A new video for a relaxing weekend and some artsy ideas for painting during weekend for you..❤💫

Please subscribe to my channel (link given below) for more videos. The videos will get better with time, I promise!! Thank you in advance!! ❤💫


and this one specially for foodies!! 😋❤https://youtu.be/RB0ypqU-zic

Digital Art-Renewal 🍁

After every autumn,

comes spring. 🍁

(Copyrights reserved by Preet. 🙂🍁)

Digital Art-Perspectives.

Honestly, I drew it without any thought and after looking at it a few times, different perspectives started striking my mind.

(Note: Kindly do not use the image or copy the concept. The copyrights are reserved by Preet. Thank you.🙂)


PC-Preet (Clicked in 2019)

What can you do with your lips

is as versatile as your imagination….. ❤

Digital Art: Innocent Love

By Preet

Painted in July, 2021. 💛💫

Digital Art: Escaping through the loops

Digital Art by Preet

Digital Art-Look at the sky 🌈

Digital Art by Preet

DIY Craft: Red rose.


I made it. I clicked it. I shared it. 🙈🌹

Specific note: This is not low-light photography. The picture was clicked in a room, full of light. I make good manual adjustments. 😜😋😍

Digital Art: Playful

Art by Preet